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GASP! AN UPDATE! Yes, you heard right. I finally put up a new comic and changed the rant. Sorry about the lateness but I was busy playing D&D all yesterday. I am the DM after all, I have responsibilities.

I know, I know. Today's comic definitley needs an explanation. Okay, my older brother works at Barnes and Nobles and I went up there to see him. He showed me this book about this theoretical science based off of computer programs. We were kind of making fun of the book and I asked who would buy such a book and was like "Well it does smell really good." and then he took a big whiff of the pages. That's what made me think of the comic, I just thought it was funny that the only good thing he could think of for the book was the smell. So I thought it would be funny as a TV ad or something.

We'll I got paid but I decided to only use 40 bucks of my paycheck and save the rest since I need money for when I go to Gen Con. I was originally going to buy Excel Saga volume one on DVD but Horizon Games(local gamestore) finally got in Unknown Armies second edition. For those who are clueless and not dicechuckers(people who play pen and paper RPGS), I will educate you.

Unknown Armies is an RPG in which you are in our world but it turns out our world is fake and the truth lies in something called the occult underground. Magick(yes thats spelled right) exists only its brought about with different rituals depending on the type of magick. For example, Dipsomancy(liqour based magick) will let you get a minor charge by drinking a beer or whiskey to where it inpairs you at least somewhat, a significant charge is gotten from drinking booze from a historicaly significant vessel(JFK's coffee cup during the cuban missle crisis for one), and a major charge from drinking a unique liqour(like that honey mead they uncovered from Greece). These charges can be used up to cast different spells depending on the charge.

Not only is there magick but people who most fit a certain archetype(like The Messenger for example) can become things called avatars which are effectively gods. Not to mention a lot of the weird rumors and conspiracies you hear have a good chance of being true. A few examples:Planes don't fly, it's an elaborate hoax created because the public doesn't understand quantum physics, Bigfoot has a social security number, the interstate highway system is actually a huge magical glyph that can be used to summon demons in case of an attack on America, Holiday Inns are actually sentient beings and staying in one can warp you or even cause you to dissapear, and any number of other things that you have no way of knowing whether they are or are not true. It's a very weird and cool game.

TOP 5 WORST MOVIE TITLES(yes, these are real movies)

5. Attack of the Clones(this is really the best they could do?)

4. Snatch(good movie but the title just sounds wrong)

3. The Legend of Quiltface(Quiltface? Quiltface?! What the hell Quiltface?!)

2. Smiling Fish and Goat on Fire(I read the back of the box it turns out those are their Indian names, but as a title? And why Goat on Fire did he burn himself a lot?)

1. Slappy and the Stinkers(I can't read, say, or hear the title of this movie without busting out laughing)


Hello, faceless crowd of anonymous readers. I am Will, played by Joe in the comic. I shall be your evil dictator for the evening. Seeing as my character is based on me, I shall describe myself. I play mostly console games, and old ones at that. Recently, someone gave me an NES in good condition, as well as a stack of games. It’s a long shot, but if anyone has any NES games they don’t want, email me at Will.

I am working this summer, interning for ten bucks an hour at a shipping company (boats, not packages)[I didn't know this till he sent me the rant, some friend I am huh? -Josh]. When they have jobs for me (about a third or quarter of the time), I program for LotusNotes. The rest of the time, I play emulators and read webcomics. I am playing War3 and NWN on the computer at home, and am getting into the LAN party scene.

My family is moving to Florida, and I am going to the University of Texas at Dallas, where I will share an apartment with Andrew (Kaidos), and two other people who I don’t know yet. I’m going to major in computer science (not suprising). I know Andrew better than I know the other people in the comic, since I met him in second grade and them in high school.

I once tried doing a sprite comic, got bored of that, and am learning how to draw. The sprite comic is at comic. Send me opinions if you bother to read it. If enough people like it, I’ll start it back up again. However, it was never that great, in my opinion. FFVI is the greatest game of all time. I guess my rants are and will be stream of consciousness. I have played DnD3e with “the group”, but only twice or so. One of those times, I was a gnome illusionist. I killed two things, I think. A greatly weakened Illithid (sp), and my friend Shine. My highest ambition was to cast charm person on the other party members.

I suck at and dislike all fighting games except for the Smash Brothers. I am only passable at FPS’s. I’m not great at them, but RPGs and strategies are my forte. The best webcomic online is Real Life (sorry, Josh)[the sad thing is I sorta agree -Josh]. Goo Goo Dolls and Metallica are great bands. I guess I should stop talking soon, ,I’m getting boring. But here’s today’s GUEST TOP FIVE!


5. God vs Shiva Hard to say who would win

4. The Energizer Bunny vs. the Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail Bunny The Monty Python bunny would win, but it would take forever, because that fight would keep going and going and going…

3. Sauron (LOTR) vs. the evil lord in the Wheel of Time books The Wheel of Time guy would win by poking Sauron’s Eye out

2. 2. Tyler Durden vs Ghandi Let’s think, here…

1. 1. Locke (FFVI) vs. Rydia (FFIV) Locke would win by sheer panache[Will is obsessed with Locke, you could say he has a heterosexual crush on him. I actually did a comic about this. It'll be up later.]

Hazard 6 is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. Comic by Josh Rylander Site by Andrew Wilcutt. Hazard6 copyright Josh Rylander 2002